ar X iv : a st ro - p h / 96 08 15 7 v 1 2 4 A ug 1 99 6 The Statistics of Density Peaks and the Column Density Distribution of the Lyman - Alpha Forest
We develop a method to calculate the column density distribution of the Lyα forest for column densities in the range 10 − 10 cm. The Zel’dovich approximation, with appropriate smoothing, is used to compute the density and peculiar velocity fields. The effect of the later on absorption profiles is discussed and it is shown to have little effect on the column density distribution. We introduce an approximation in which the column density distribution is related to a statistic of density peaks (involving its height and first and second derivatives along the line of sight) in real space. We show that the slope of the column density distribution is determined by the temperature-density relation as well as the amount of power on scales 2hMpc ∼ k < ∼ 20 hMpc . An expression relating the three is given. We find very good agreement between the column density distribution obtained by applying the Voigt-profile-fitting technique to the output of a full hydrodynamic simulation and that obtained using our approximate method for a test model. It is also found that an alternative approximate method which is based on the lognormal approximation tends to underestimate the number of absorption lines at low column densities. The formalism is applied to study a group of CDM as well as CHDM models. Comparison with high resolution Keck data is made. Subject headings: cosmology: theory — intergalactic medium — quasars: absorption lines Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Center for Theoretical Physics, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, MIT; e-mail: [email protected] Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544; e-mail: [email protected] Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : a st ro - p h / 96 08 03 6 v 1 8 A ug 1 99 6 TABLE 1 Properties of LMC Double - Mode
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ar X iv : a st ro - p h / 96 08 10 7 v 1 1 6 A ug 1 99 6 Table 1 . Cool Star Absorption Strengths
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ar X iv : a st ro - p h / 96 08 03 6 v 2 1 2 A ug 1 99 6 TABLE 1 Properties of LMC Double - Mode
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ar X iv : a st ro - p h / 96 08 16 5 v 1 2 6 A ug 1 99 6 High redshift radio galaxies with the VLT
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X iv : a st ro - p h / 97 12 07 5 v 1 4 D ec 1 99 7 Constraining the Power Spectrum Using the Column Density Distribution : a Status Report
We review the arguments given in [1] for how the slope of the column density distribution of the Lyα forest should depend on the matter power spectrum. The latest progress, presented by various groups in this conference and elsewhere, is summarized.
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